these are the pillars of our work
You have an awesome idea and you want to captivate your customers with an app? We are happy to develop something new with you!
We'd be glad to help with your Linux servers: whether you want us to manage your servers on-premises or in the cloud ... or perhaps just a one shot task?
Perhaps you are planning a big project or you need components to integrate in a better way? We'd love to be part of the solution!
Writing software is our main business. We are proud about our products and we are intrigued with new problems to solve. We compiled a small list of examples from the past and from the future:
Often, the tools are already there and they are doing their job. Now, it would be great if they could also talk to each other: For example, it'd be extremely cool if your CMS could directly talk to your recruiting platform, no? That would allow you to define processes across tools!
This is also the first step we always take: We have a close look on what your current situation is. Perhaps little change is required!
Is there a key functionality missing from a tool you love? Let's see if we can add a module / extention / theme / skin / plug-in.
Should your product require expertise beyond our own (e.g. design or wording), we might have to contract third parties. Of course we will only do this with your consent and we will always be responsible for what they deliver to you.
There is no tool that does what you want? You will launch a Start-Up and your product includes an App? Let us develop an information system together that will blow their mind!
Linux is a sweet platform with many applications, specifically on a server. In times of micro-services, development and operations grow closer and allow for great end user experience.
If you are operating Linux servers in-house and you would like to free yourself of the duty to upgrade, monitor and make sure that they are humming in concert: Let us know! All tools we are using can either be deployed at your site or in the cloud.
This is also the first step we always take: We have a close look on what your current situation is. Perhaps little change is required!
On some T-Shirts you can read: There is no cloud, its just somebody else's computer For your projects, that computer can belong to us, Hetzner or Amazon: We are happy to run your apps wherever you like, just let us know.
We are convinced that it is always a good idea to automate processes. In most of the cases, this implicitly generates documentation and of course it leaves more time for you to focus on your business.
Here are a few ideas on how we could collaborate.
Sometimes, you find a tool that promises to solve all of your problems. Since that is rarely fully true, you've learned to try such tools in a live demo before deploying it.
If there is no demo available from the vendor or maintainer, we can easily set up an instance of e.g. ConedaKOR, Redmine, Wordpress, ownCloud ... just to name a few well-known candidates. As long as it runs on a web server, we can probably deploy it for you.
Of course, if you want to keep using it, we can operate it in production ... again: on whichever server you prefer.
You are a scientist and you need visibility / accessibility / usability for your data? Come talk to us, there is probably a way to build the next eye-catcher!
You first need to gather your data? No problem, we would be proud to make this job easier for you with a smart tool chain. Did we mention the prototype XML editor for digital edition projects?
You feel that your endeavor might profit from the community but it is difficult to locate or pinpoint? We'd be happy to get you on track with some peers. Contact us, the first chat is always free!
One of your projects has gone the wrong way and you'd like to reanimate it? This actually happens more often than you might think: Lacking communication or too much emphasis on contract details can easily make a project stagnate. We would be happy to take over.
To protect you from a similar situation in the future, we prefer working with open source components and we meticulously create documentation so that anybody can take over our work at any time: There will not be any lock-in.
Let's say your project is close to completion. Perhaps another set of eyes can help to ensure that the product is in alignment with your goals. We can help you with the final check.
If your organization has multiple branches in various locations, you might want to consolidate their IT infrastructure at some point. Depending on your starting conditions, it might be possible to connect all your sites with a very reliable and fast mesh VPN. Your single team members' physical location could then be chosen without IT considerations!
If you like, we teach you everything we know. Whether your staff should be trained on the Linux platform or you are planning to become a more proficient developer. We are happy to help.
Since as early as 2019 we support the Kunstgeschichtliche Institut (German only) at the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, one of the largest such institutes in Germany, in a variety of ways: We are not only maintaining their ConedaKOR and a series of internal apps but we also help with linux operations, federated authentication, backup strategies and data protection.
RubyOnRails Linux OAuth 2.0 GDPR & DSGVO
In another undertaking for prometheus – Das verteilte digitale Bildarchiv für Forschung & Lehre we integrated their service into the eduGAIN international interfederation. Signing into the image archive is now possible through the majority of research and education institutions world wide.
To make this work, we set up the required SAML metadata as well as the IT services necessary to process the actual authentication including a tiny WAYF (where are you from) service. We also implemented the matching between federation identities and local accounts in the image archive.
Ruby on Rails shibboleth Dabian 12
To support remote work and to improve cyber security, the Hannah-Arendt-Institut für Totalitarismusforschung was looking for a way to let their staff connect remotely to IT resources which were only available on site.
We implemented OpenVPN as a open source solution to keep costs low and to prevent vendor dependencies. The VPN is integrated with Microsoft ActiveDirectory, requires 2-Factor-Authentication and blends seamlessly with existing network infrastructure components.
Together with the Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte and the DFK Paris, we created a comprehensive documentaton about setting up, maintaining, developing and using the ConedaKOR knowledge graph system. If you are working for IT Ops in your organization, getting the software up and running should be a breeze. For developers, we added a detailed documentation for the system's APIs and code structure. End users will find a description of every available function. There are even some intro videos showcasing many common steps. Let us know if you have any questions or suggestions!
HTML Markdown OBS Studio
The Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte collected a number of essays on a set of locations in Europe that played a key role in its development since 1500. We came in and built a online visualization and put everything on a map. This gives a great overview of the scientific work, it's pleasing to the eye and it is entirely static, so it will need very little maintenance for years to come, Have a look!
ruby es6 nodejs jekyll
The artist Jens Ullrich showcases his art on a website we created. We built a team of designers, developers and system administrators so we could provide support during the entire life span of the project, from concept to the running website.
BTW, Jen's art is available free of charge with instructions on how to print the images yourself, have a look!
The Institut historique allemand maintains a Linux infrastructure to run various apps such as mediawiki. We worked on modernizing the servers but also several of the applications. All components are now ready for the next years. Merci and warm regards to the Hôtel Duret-de-Chevry!
Linux Mediawiki PHP MySQL
Vanessa Barone started her new lab (congrats!) at the Hopkins Marine Station which is part of Stanford University in March 2024. We helped the new developmental biology lab with processing of 3D imaging data and with their website.
Blender JavaScript HTML CSS
The Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München created several Applications based on eXist-db such as and They asked us to optimize their hosting environment for better speed and security. The setup is now accelerated through sophisticated caching while the apps themselves are shielded from concurrent access. This makes for a very fluid user experience.
docker nginx haproxy eXist-db
We took over the development of the Themenportal Friedensrepräsentationen for the Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte, building a light-weight solution enabling effortless maintenance and operations. Using WebWorkers, we were able to move all functionality to the browser: There is no backend application but the fully responsive page still privides a full text search feature covering thousands of records, also on mobile.
jekyll react es6 lunr
The Philipps-Universität Marburg wanted us to do additional work on the ARCHITRAVE project: We started by fixing small bugs and adding a feature here and there. Over the course of a year, we ended up implementing a complete TEI-XML transformation & rendering engine in JavaScript. We also integrated a suitable map component to visualize the authors' travel trajectories.
JavaScript leflet scss
Bernhard Schirg needed solutions for visual storytelling in the field of Public History. One is a database for the stories behind objects, the other one a platform for long-reads about the stories behind landscapes. We built two static pages, which ... aren't that static after all.
The fully responsive platforms are based on jekyll and come packed with a powerful frontend search (including a full text index) and dynamic display for blog categories, news and events. The carefully designed and animated UI widgets guide the user through the fantastic material.
The team manages research data conveniently within a spreadsheet that generates user-friendly visualisations. The apps are currently hosted on one of our linux servers in Europe. The content will go online spring 2021.
jekyll react es6 lunr
The Centre de recherche du château de Versailles asked us to develop a search backend and interface for the ARCHITRAVE project and we built it for them: a lightweight react frontend on a eXist-db + elasticsearch JSON api. The search deals with the peculiarities of the French and German languages and in Markus Matoni's words:
The website design and the search are key components of the website and the result is impressive and tells its own tale
Our open source search component is now being integrated in other projects.
react scss elasticsearch eXist-db
Sometimes, we don't develop new things. For the Lyons Lab at UCSD San Diego, we took care of procurement, assembly and configuration of a Synology storage array. The solution provides users with 45TB of net storage for microscopy images, secured with btrfs on raid6. With automatic compression set up, this should provide enough room for some time to come!
linux btrfs synology
In an effort to investigate the Holzhausen and Senckenberg family's legacy a team at the Kunstgeschichtliche Institut Frankfurt am Main cataloged a massive contemporary portrait collection with close to 5000 images. We helped with our servers, operations, support for the database software. ConedaKOR and data import/export.
Ruby ConedaKOR ansible
The prometheus – Das verteilte digitale Bildarchiv für Forschung & Lehre delivers thousands of art history images to their users per day. We started by raising the test coverage for their platform from 30% to over 90% while upgrading the platform from rails 2.0.2 to rails 5.1 and from ruby 1.8 to ruby 2.5. As always, we streamlined the deployment process by transitioning towards the twelve factor app. Development is now fluid from feature idea or bug report to code in production and user experience. Since March 2018, we keep providing consulting, software development and operations activities to the project.
Ruby on Rails MySQL elasticsearch CentOS capybara
We gave an online training with basics in Ruby programming, ActiveRecord mapping and an introduction to the ConedaKOR source code. Beyond showing language and framework features, we also integrated a hands-on workshop using a typical toolchain. The team of the project Interdisciplinary Dictionary of Classic Mayan now writes scripts to automate migrations, modifications and validations.
Ruby Ruby on Rails vagrant pry ConedaKOR
The Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel has tons of data and they want to share it! This time, their massive manuscript database was to receive an API. To integrate well with the existing platform, we implemented an eXist-db module to deliver metadata according to the OAI-PMH standard.
The international research project ARCHITRAVE - Art and Architecture in Paris and Versailles in Accounts by Baroque-Era German Travellers needed a design implementation for its web presence. The bi-national French-German project aims at scrutinizing the content of six substantial German travel accounts dating from 1685 to 1723, the earliest hitherto known. Based on an excellent model by ulli neutzling designbuero, we built fully reusable design components with twitter bootstrap and with a lot of attention to detail.
HTML CSS twitter bootstrap SASS nodejs
By changing the way videos are handled by ConedaKOR, the software can now convert and render them in all major browsers and devices. Thank you ETH Zürich!
ruby ffmpeg HTML
To find duplicates within a database with over 150k images, we developed a convenient command line tool based on perceptual hashing and BK-trees for the DFK Paris. Image versions with different color space, format, dimensions, hue, saturation or contrast are well detected as duplicates. Fine tune it with a configurable distance threshold. Go give it a try: its fast and its open source!
python numpy JSON HTML command line
To deliver content via an API and without a fuss, the Marbach Weimar Wolfenbüttel Research Association wanted a OAI PMH Static Repository Gateway implementation and they got one. The app runs on PHP5, PHP7 as well as Debian 9 and Windows with XAMPP. It has a tidy web interface to show, add, remove and validate repositories. The code is open source and comes with a handy vagrant environment for future development.
PHP Vagrant Slim Framework XAMPP
Based in Bonn, Germany, the Max Weber Stiftung hired us to improve the deployment for their Quellenportal. The 5 cloud servers run a highly automated debian 9. They host the app, test and demo instances and of course monitoring and analytics platforms. We also configured the app to enable one-step deployments, so that their team can showcase new features quickly.
Ansible Bash Check_MK Matomo Debian 9 Python Let's Encrypt
The DFK Paris funded the development of a browser addon for ConedaKOR that makes importing wikidata items a breeze. It also enables immediate media upload for imported items and it is available via and Need help with a ConedaKOR installation? Contact us!
web extension api ConedaKOR JavaScript Firefox Chrome
Leibniz-IGB needed a revamp of their publication database for internal reporting. We used a lot of autocompletes and inline help to make the app an intuitive experience. Fork it on github!
CodeIgniter CodeCeption PHP MariaDB LDAP
Based on data within a legacy database system, we developed a search tool for the OwnReality project at the DFK Paris. Our widgets allow searching and filtering the project's data, visualize TEI encoded publications and they integrate seamlessly with the underlying website. Fork it on github or read a blog post about the project!
Ruby on Rails riotjs elasticsearch nodejs drupal
Nothing makes us more proud than being able to help you achieve your goals better. Sometimes, there is only a tiny piece missing.
We believe good communication is what makes most projects fly. This is why we make it a point to keep it professional when its crunch-time.
We prefer simple solutions that use available tools, reduce costs and need no extra training.
Even the best tool is pointless if nobody is using it. Therefore, tools have to be tailored to their users, not the other way around.
The more we understand your domain of work, the better the tools we can build for you. Expect us to be inquisitive!
You are the expert in your domain, so we show you our progress often to keep our work in line with your goals.
When you ask us to implement a business rule, we implement an automated test. This way, we can ensure that its working ... now and tomorrow.
With every time we work together, we have a better understanding of your domain.
Are you in the public sector? That's great, we are looking forward to hearing from you! We offer free consulting and discounts!
We realize that information systems require power to run. But we dedicate ourselves to use green power whenever possible.
We publish all our code under an open source license if this doesn't conflict with your goals.
Our team is from all over the world and we know how to deliver quality software from miles away.
We speak English, German and French.
Sepapaja 6, Tallinn 15551, Estonia
CEO Moritz Schepp
Registry Code 14274669
EU VAT Number EE101979043
Wikidata ID Q42783215